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PAGE 5. ST 105 Systems. ST 105 Systems. 9 0 0 1. CERTIFIED. PACE SENESTARS For any questions regarding this Operation & Maintenance Manual, contact your. Arm-Evac, Flo-D-Sodr, Mini-Wave, PACE, SensaTemp, Snap-Vac, Sodrtek,. Sodr-X-Tractor, ThermoFlo, ThermoJet, ThermoTweez, Toolnet, Visifilter. Page 5. 1. SYSTEM PACE Rework and Repair For Electronics Lesson 42012 Pace soldering stations,system and vacuum Additional copies of this manual or other PACE literature may be obtained from: MBT 2013 SYSTEM - Consists of PPS 80J (100 VAC, 50/60 Hz Version) powerThe use of a “solder bridge” to enhance “thermal linkage” will also improve heat transfer. Handpiece Tips. 5. HANDPIECES: The SP-2A Sodr-Pen (which comes All trademarks, brand names, and brands appearing herein are the property of their respective owners. Find the Pace PPS 80A at our website: Click HERE. Page 2 Additional copies of this manual or other PACE literature may be obtained from: 5. Exercise proper precautions when using soldering materials (e.g.,. All Model SX-300 Systems consist of a PPS-5 Power Source Control, Sodr-X-Tractor Operation and Maintenance Instructions. POWER SOURCE:.
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